Our commitment to the environment
Quartulli Tessili - il nostro impegno per un mondo migliore
What we believe in

The conservation of the environment starts with small gestures

Respect for the environment and conservation have been transformed in recent years from “commendable” to essential actions to secure the future of our ecosystem.

This commitment involves everyone from international bodies, to companies, to individual citizens. Therefore, protection of the environment and the proper implementation of an Environmental Management System becomes a strategic priority for us, and constantly drives us to integrate objectives tied to the quality of products and processes with respect for the environment.

Proper management of environmental issues related to manufacturing businesses is indispensable for at least three reasons:

  • To mitigate the impact of manufacturing companies on the environment
  • To fully respond to legal constraints and requirements
  • To seize all opportunities that arise in terms of corporate image, brand, product.

Improving our environmental performance means building a trusting and balanced relationship among the economy, institutions, and people.

In support of sustainability
Recycling of waste
Plastic packaging is made from recycled plastic: stretch film (30 percent), tubes and pouches (100 percent), while at the spinning stage, a portion of the industrial waste (about 15 percent) is recycled on the production line without affecting the strength of the yarn in any way.
Photovoltaic energy and energy saving
Twenty percent of the energy used to make our nets is generated by a photovoltaic system that was installed on the roof in 2012; all lighting systems are LED and 80% of the electric motors are energy efficient (IE3) allowing us to use just one-half of the energy used before.
Water saving
We save water by implementing closed-loop cooling systems that allow high efficiency and only a slight impact on the environment.
Industry 4.0
Thanks to state-of-the-art machinery, we can carry out each project in a very short time, with the utmost precision and less waste.
Attention to impact on the landscape
We lovingly care for the greenery and wooded areas bordering the factory.
Long-lasting products
We are finding ways to make our nets last longer. In farming, they last approximately ten years. For construction site fences COLORADO® is preferred because it is not a commonly used disposable item. When a product lasts longer, it needs to be replaced less often, there is less plastic to recycle, and you save money.
The forests we have been conserving for generations
Our heritage

Our belief that it is vital to care for and respect the environment has been passed down from generation to generation. We believe in our ongoing commitment to conservation of the ecosystem that surrounds us; we consider this task to be of great importance. The forest beside our factory is a perfect example of this: a lush expanse where we can enjoy not only a natural spectacle of rare beauty, but also a vital habitat for a wide variety of tree species.